Over the course of the last few months since starting “My Yoga Journey,” life got in the way. As much as I wanted yoga to be a part of my regular daily life, life itself got difficult to say the least. Working as a receptionist and title clerk at a very busy car dealership, i felt work was taking over my life in all aspects. It felt impossible to keep up and stay caught up with work; with staying late two or more hours most days, a 5:45 pm yoga class wasn’t part of the equation. However, being given the opportunity to document something you aspire to make part of your daily life was special and enthralling, but ultimately very challenging. Though some amazing yoga classes here and there were attended, no regularity was truly formed. With exhaustion, anxiety, and stress on the rise, yoga class was beyond secondary. Being over worked and underpaid is a prime excuse to not get to where you want to be with yoga.

Thus far, after experiencing many set backs pertaining to keeping my job and status of living in Asheville- I consistently kept yoga on the back burner.  Luckily i have gotten to a point where at home practice is easy and semi regularly incorporated even in the smaller ways; though not on the level id hoped it be. I have attended some amazing yoga classes with Victoria, Mauni and Nikki. I couldn’t be more thankful to be able to be a part of some of their classes that made me feel like a million bucks more than I had previously felt.

As of the last week, my four year old cat Bing has been very sick with a kidney obstruction that reoccured three times, and more than distracted me from enhancing my yoga experience. Being sad and depressed even further excuses the gaps in my yoga journey, although unknowingly i have incorporated yoga in coping with internal trauma. Every day, whether it be a quick downward dog, dolphin or child’s pose, along with a few deep breaths elevated my mind and body when i simply felt nothing else would keep my afloat. I have continued to find yoga is helping me make it through even the most impossible moments in life. I have faith, and whatsmore, the physical evidence that yoga brings life into me; even when i feel there’s not much there. Knowing this will not stop me from staying where i am with yoga, but gives me the comfort and strength to believe it can only do more and more for me. It is giving me the strength i didn’t know was there previously to keep going with this practice and ultimately better my life with beautiful stretches and deep breathing. This is only the beginning. Namaste.

Ultimately, I want to make no more excuses to make yoga enhance my life even further. Even in small doses I have experienced how it can make me feel and i know it will only get better. What I would like to see in myself is more of an effort to attend early morning classes to kickstart my day in the best way possible, and to ensure more energy right from the get. When you [sometimes] work late into the night, it is important to make a yoga class first thing in the morning to give you what you need to get through the day; and I have experienced this first hand but not often enough. Sometimes you have to suck it up and just do it. Kick yourself into gear when you think you cannot, and you will always surprise yourself. After forcing yourself to do something uncomfortable it becomes a habit before you know it. The opportunity I have been given with Inspired Change Yoga will not be taken for granted or go unnoticed, and will undoubtedly aid in the healing of my mental and physical day to day life. Specifically, the 5:45 AM classes offered daily is what I aim to attend at least twice a week since my evenings end at unknown times. Though I enjoy an evening class, I think it will benefit me most by a planned (and guaranteed) morning class rather than hoping I can attend the usually offered 5:45 PM classes at ICY, with such an open ended schedule. The average 8-5 working girls can make yoga a part of their life too with just a little added effort.